Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday

This morning I lost .8 pounds and hit my 25 pound weight loss mark! I don't care what anyone says losing weight it hard! There is no magic pill or miracle diet. It's something you have to work for every. dang. day. I wish the days of losing 3 and 4 pounds a week would come back but even .8 is a success!

While at the gym this morning something hit me. I thought, "Wow being here at 5:30 AM is just the norm now." I'm completely different than I was 3 months ago. My attitude is different, my energy level is different and the way I feel about myself is different. I had gotten to a point where I didn't want to be around anyone. I didn't want to go anywhere. And honestly I was depressed. Somedays I would get home and go straight to bed. So I'll take losing .8 pounds over gaining it any day! 
After doing arms, abs and the treadmill
with my free trainer Hitler, I mean Sarah,
I got on this beast for the first time this
morning. I don't even know what it's
called but holy moly!! 10 minutes
and I was DONE!!
Let me be superficial for just a minute...
This past week I was watching Keeping up with the Kardashians. I know what you're thinking but hold on. There was actually a meaningful part to the episode I was watching. Rob, the brother of all the Kardashian sisters, was discussing his weight with Khloe's husband Lamar. If you've never watched the show Rob has put on quite a bit of weight and has been persecuted in the tabloids for it. Looking at him my first thought was, "Rich little hefer I bet you don't worry about anything." But guys even as rich and famous as he is, he still struggles. He was saying that he didn't want to go on a family vacation to Greece (Greece!!!!) because of being embarrassed about his weight! He didn't want to hang around anyone because of his weight! He hated the person he had become because of his weight! Is it starting to sink in?!?! The way we feel about ourselves matters whether we are poor, rich, young or old. 
At the end of the conversation Lamar said something to him that stuck with me. He said, "If you don't take care of yourself you hurt your relationships." Y'all that's 100% true whether someone on a reality tv show said it or not! Weight may or may not be the area you struggle with. There may be another aspect of your life where you're not taking care of yourself. But long story short, it's okay to love and take care of yourself because WHEN YOU LOVE YOURSELF YOU CAN LOVE OTHERS. 

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