Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday

Do ya'll ever have one of those weeks where you know you're not truly giving it your all but you hope that by some miracle your body won't notice? Well, truth be told I had one of those weeks. I didn't go crazy or anything but I ate more like someone maintaining their weight instead of someone trying to lose it. This morning when I weighed I was down .6 (point six) pounds for a total of 21.2 pounds gone. At first I beat myself up about it because I knew I could have done better. But guys I really needed that wake up call! I don't want to scare you but the more weight you lose the tougher the journey gets and the harder you have to push yourself.

Lacy, one of my very best friends, lost 58 pounds and she has been able to maintain it for five plus years.  I envy her self control and dedication. Recently she confided in me that, after having her precious baby girl six months ago, she wants to lose the 13 pounds she's put back on. She said that those 13 pounds have been harder to lose than 58! She's been doing workout DVDs at home, jogging around her neighborhood while pushing a stroller and watching everything she eats. The weight is coming off but it's taking MORE time and MORE
perseverance than ever before. I couldn't be prouder of her. She has inspired me without even knowing it! 
Left-Before, Right-After

She still looks GREAT!!
Guys it's a HUGE commitment to get up early, pack your clothes the night before, and shower at the gym before heading to work. It's an even bigger commitment to get up early, rush back home to get ready, and then get your kids fed, dressed and off to school or daycare. I saw this quote on mamalaughlin's blog and it really hit home:

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten."
-Tony Robbins

Y'all that's so true! For so long my normal routine was hitting the snooze on my alarm until the last possible minute.  Then rushing to get ready and out the door so I wasn't late. On the way to work I'd be thinking about everything I had to get done that day. I would start the day off in a tizzy and by noon I was so give out, even though I "slept in", that I could have cared less about what I put into my body.

Since I've been getting up early, working out and eating healthy I have had so much more energy. I thought I would be exhausted but it's actually the opposite. At night I'm going to bed at a decent hour and I'm sleeping through the night. I'm not going to sugar coat it, in the morning I do NOT want to get up. But after exercising I feel great and start off the day feeling like I've accomplish something worthwhile. Even on the mornings I don't go to the gym I'm getting up a little earlier and trying to look a little cuter. On the way to work I have time to talk to God instead of drive like a mad woman to get there. It's funny how differently I handle situations that arise throughout the day by just talking to him for ten minutes before I start my day.

Y'all I'm not saying that you have to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning or look perfect everyday. You have to do what is best for YOU! I'm just saying that I didn't realize what an impact exercising, eating healthy and taking care of myself would have. Even though I haven't been by any means perfect and I only exercise at 5AM two days a week, I've felt a million times better than I did on June 17, 2013 when I started this journey. I want to continue to feel even better as each week passes. I want to get to the goal weight I've only been able to dream about for so long.

Y'all I NO LONGER want to do what I've always done!! 
I'm not where I used to be...
I'm not quite where I want to be...
But I'm trying so hard each day
to become a NEW me!

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