Thursday, August 22, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Going through old pictures last night for today's post made me smile even with tears falling. You know we may not have been rich or lived in the biggest house but I was blessed with such Godly parents who loved us with all their hearts. I never remember my Daddy having lots of big boys toys because everything he had he gave to us. And I never remember a time my Mama begrudged taking extra call so we could go on just one more extra field trip at school. Growing up my parents always told my brother, sister and I that if we didn't have anything else we had each other. They taught us to love one another, be kind and tender hearted to others, but above all to put God first.

One of my funniest memories involves my little brother Bobby. Mama and Daddy went to a function at church and left us home alone. I was 12 and Bobby was 9. They told us to stay inside, eat dinner and finish our homework. Instead we decided to do the exact opposite.  As soon as they pulled out of the driveway we hopped on our little 90 four wheeler and off we went. We were several miles from home when the stupid four wheeler ran out of gas!! We were freaking out but had no money to get gas anywhere. So we walked for what seemed like forever to get back home. During the long walk we had time to form our plan to not get killed when our parents got home. Mama left the keys to her mini van so we decided to take the seats out of the back so we could haul the four wheeler home. My twelve year old self got in the drivers seat and we were off. Looking back I have no clue how we picked the four wheeler up and pushed it into the mini van or how in the heck it fit. I also have no clue how Bobby didn't die as I drove, he pushed the four wheeler in the van with one hand, and held the back hatch down with the other hand. All I know is we didn't tell my parents that story until we were much older!!

The best memory of all happened when I was 15 and Bobby was 13. Mama went to her doctor's appointment to discuss having a hysterectomy  and came home with shocking news. She was pregnant with our little sister. Ever since November 21, 2000 Taylor has been the blessing our family couldn't do without. We love that little girl more than life itself. She is now in the 7th grade and is the best mixture of my craftiness and Bobby's brains that you could ask for. She keeps us all laughing and my parents young.

My family isn't perfect by any means. Sometimes we have white trash fights or just want to kill one another. BUT...I wouldn't trade them for all the money in the world! 
1986-Me, Mama and Daddy 

1988-Me and Daddy
1989ish-Me and Mama
the day she
graduated from
RN school
Life was good. It was just me,
Mama and Daddy. Then...
this little booger came along!
1991-Me and Bobby
2000-Our sweet little Taddies
Pretty cool having a
big sister that can drive
2010-Daddy, Mama, Me,
Chris, Taylor and Bobby
 I love you Mama, Daddy, Bobby, Taddies and Chris. You are all my heart.

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