Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday

Do you ever look around and wonder why the heck you're the only one working so hard on your weight? Why everyone else can eat whatever the heck they want and still be thin? Let me tell you a secret that I've learned...
NO ONE can eat every and anything they want and still be thin!!! 

Not even teenagers with extremely high metabolisms. Watch someone who says they eat everything they want. They may order exactly what they want but I bet you anything they don't eat all of it. Or, if they do eat all of it they wait until they are truly hungry to eat again.

Growing up my Daddy has always been able to "eat whatever he wants". He has never had a weight issue and to this day is still thin. BUT let me tell you that his "eat whatever he wants" pales in comparison to the amount I used to eat. Let me break it down for you with a couple scenarios...
Starving and eats a double whopper with fries and a large regular coke...BUT hasn't eaten anything all day because he was busy working in the yard.
Had a busy day at school so stopped and got a blizzard on the way home. Then ate dinner and snacked until time for bed.

When I eat whatever I want, I eat!! I mean I eat from the time I get up in the morning until the time I go to bed. It's not just one meal that I've really been craving or a huge candy bar. When I start, I lose self control and can't stop. Even when I feel sick I keep going. I'm not proud of this and it's embarrassing but it's the truth. Y'all I used to eat before going out to dinner with people because I knew I would still be hungry. I used to stop on my way home from work and get fast food, then throw it away in the big dumpster so Chris wouldn't know. I had more than just my Daddy's "eat anything he wants" problem.

I'm like a recovering alcoholic. I have to work on my problem every day and control it. I could relapse at anytime and have! Remember this is my second go round with losing weight. I gained back 70 out of 110 pounds. BUT now, more than ever, I realize why I should keep going. I know how hard it is to get the weight off but at the same time know how great it feels to take control.

As of this morning I am down 3 more pounds for a total of 27.6 gone!!! Only 8 pounds until I'm out of the 200's!! The count down is on and I'll take that over "eating whatever I want" any day!! So KEEP GOING...It WILL be worth it!! 
I smiled when I got my staff ID this
morning because that picture was
taken at the beginning of the
school year. I can't believe how far
I've come just since then. 

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