Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday

Hey guys just going to pop in real quick. The bad news is that my back has been giving me fits today. The good news is that when I weighed in this morning I was down 1.6 pounds for a total of 38.2 gone. I'm so close to 40 pounds! Every time I make a good decision I can picture myself picking out my non-grandma swim suit. I've told you guys a million times that my goal is just to wear a bikini for once in my life...and dangit I'm determined!

For the past two weeks I have been kicking butt, even after going to two different Thanksgivings! I have a goal in my mind that I want to achieve. I know the only way to get there is to put in the effort, so I'm trying hard. Really hard! Sarah and I have also been 5aming it. Last week we worked our arms so hard that I hated brushing my hair because it hurt so bad. Now that's a good workout boss! 
This morning was #legday and these
lunges WORK!! Sarah and I used a 10 pound
barbell and a balancing ball. Isn't she cute??
Wait for it, wait for it...
BAM!!!! 30 pound barbell and squats
This picture cracks me up!
She gotta donk, she gotta donk,
shake some wit it!!
I have one last thing to share. Yesterday I had a sweet reader email me. It made my night to hear that I have encouraged and motivated her to lose 29 pounds. She asked if I had any tips or ideas. These are what came to my mind to share...
-You CAN say no thank you to people. Each time you do it, you will feel proud of yourself.
-Don't compare yourself to others. Hold your head up high and love yourself. I have to remind myself to do this every day!
-Don't give in to food. Do something else instead. I'm lame and go take a bath.
-Be strong and know you can truly do it. If you don't believe in yourself trying to lose weight will not happen. 

Going to take my own advice this week girls and boys!!

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