Saturday, December 21, 2013

Weigh In Saturday?? & How I'm Still Losing Weight

This week. Well. This week has been...
BUSY!! I bet y'all thought I fell off the face of the earth and was never going to blog again. Nope! I was just catering, grading final exams, finishing up my grades, going to a bizillion Christmas parties, and last night we hit the road for Christmas in Milledgeville with the hubs family. I so wish I could read, or blog on the computer using my hotspot, but I get car sick like a mother trucker!! Soooo a miracle Saturday post it is!!

Since it's been forever let's rewind to Wednesday morning when I got on the scale...
I was down 1.8 pounds but was still some kinda aggravated. This past week was HARD and dangit I did really well with all the Christmas goodies around. I said "No Thank You" to a whole heck of A LOT of food to have only lost 1.8. All the teachers even got to order out. That's a big deal in teacher land, but I decided not to cave and ate the lunch I packed. Gosh that was hard!! I literally could have grabbed one of their hamburgers out of their tiny little hands and ate it all before they even realized what happened. Yes, I refrained, but I'm sure some of them wondered why I kept starring and salivating. Bless it!! I'm going to have to ask Santa for new friends, cause all of mine now think I'm a starring, salivating, weirdo!! 
Gave these "Girls Night In" kits to my girlfriends at work for Christmas. I think they really loved them and I actually came up with the idea without Pinterest...I know I was shocked too!!! It's a tough life being this creative. Ha!!
Chick flick, popcorn bowl, milk duds, facial mask and card all tied together with pink and sparkles

Let's just be honest here. In the grand scheme of getting down to 140 pounds, 1.8 is NOTHING!! Especially after all that suffering, BUT I know if I keep losing 1.8 each week in a month I will have lost 7.2. In 5 months 36 pounds! It's all about baby steps. Believe me I know it's frustrating, a pain in the arse, and sometimes you're gonna mess up. Thing is, ya just have to keep going!

This week each time I turned something down I kinda got this little high. I was proud of myself. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes I'm going to say yes, BUT if I do it's going to be something I really, really want! I've had pizza and chips a million times. I've had cupcakes a million times. You see what I'm saying? I try and make it worth it. I try and make it something I really love. So far it's working and this is how I'm still losing weight...
*Wednesday-Children's Christmas Party at Church 
I ate 1/2 of a brownie because I really wanted it. I skipped the pizza, chips, cookies etc. and waited until after the party was over to eat dinner with the hubbie at Chick Fil A. 
*Thursday-Teachers ordered out at lunch and faculty Christmas party 
I ate the lunch I packed. That night at Blueberry Hill Restaurant (precious cabin in the middle of nowhere) I splurged on fried shrimp BUT had waited all day for it. 
Outfit I wore Wednesday night to the Children's Christmas Party. That "shirt" is actually a Polo sleep shirt I got on the clearance rack for $12...shhhhhh don't tell!
Looking for a good red lipstick. Any suggestions?? This kind sucks.
Jacket with Lamb Collar-Gap
Scarf-Knitted by a Friend
Plaid shirt-Polo Outlet
Leggings-Ann Taylor (favorite brand)
Minnetonka Boots-Amazon

Ya'll I've tried clean eating. I've tried starving myself. I've tried only eating one meal a day. Good Lord I've tried everything!! The only thing that works for me is eating VERY SMALL portions of NORMAL food and sticking to about 1,200 calories a day. One day I would love to try clean eating again, but I'm just starting to master portion control, so for now, this is what I'm going to stick with. 

This Glorious Saturday morning, when I weighed in, I was shocked!!! I was down another 1.8 pounds from Wednesday!! That means in a week and a half I've lost 3.6 pounds and I'm finally down to 191!!! My new goal is to get into the 180's and I am working so hard to get there. I never want to go back to the way I felt 5 1/2 months ago at 236 pounds. Even with the .8's and 1.8's I'm not giving up!!

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