Thursday, November 7, 2013

What I Like About ME

One of my friends, who reads my blog, asked me this week why in the world I put myself down. She said that when she looked at me she saw a perfect girl who was beautiful and had it all together. Me?? Really?? It made feel really great, and was so sweet of her to say, but more than anything it got me to thinking. 
Do I put myself down?!?! Yes I do!! 
So no more, no more because however I feel about myself impacts everything I do.

Cheesy yes, but I decided to make a list of everything I like about myself.
Eye roll (it's okay I did it too)
I want to be a happy, positive person. I don't want for people to see me coming and think, "Oh great what does negative Nancy have to say bad about herself today." 

Have you ever heard the saying, Happy girls are the prettiest? Ummmm it's true!! So here goes my happy, positive, what I like about myself list....
1. My legs are thin and long.
2. My hair does about whatever I want it to.
3. I make people laugh.
4. I have long eyelashes just like my Daddy.
5. My skin is clear and tans easily.
6. My toes are cute.
7. I feel happy when good things happen to others.
8. I am very creative and can cook, sew and decorate.
9. My outfits are Pinterest material.
10. My teeth are white and I have a pretty smile.

As women we beat ourselves up all the time. Why is it so hard for us to just be confident and happy with ourselves and the way we look? Right now I want for you to think of 10 (yes 10) things you like about yourself. Then...

GSU Homecoming is only 1 day away...
Go Eagles!!

1 comment:

  1. When I think about you, I can think of way more than 10 positive things to say about you. And you are so right, as women we do tend to put ourselves down. We see all the negatives and rarely concentrate on the positive things. Great blog for me to read this morning. I love you Kelly J and if you need uplifted and to hear great things about what Aunt Millie sees in you, call me........
